

Cheese Care


To maintain the flavor of the cheese, it is advisable to store it in the vegetable compartment of the refrigeration, wrapped in its original package, in a resealable bag or with film paper.


It is recommended to refrigerate the cheese at a low temperature to keep it longer.


To freeze the cheese, it is advisable to split it into different portions to consume only what is needed per occasion.


It is suggested not to store the cheese with other strong-smelling foods, to prevent it from absorbing other aromas and losing quality.


Cheeses should never be placed on the refrigerator door in order to avoid exposure to strong temperature changes.

Consumption Recommendations


Cheeses must be taken out of the refrigerator 20-30 minutes before consumption in order for them to be tempered and to be able to embrace all their properties.


On a cheese board, place the soft cheeses on the edges and the strong ones in the center in order to have them arranged in accordance with their flavor and property of each cheese.


It is recommended to use a knife for each cheese in order to avoid mixing flavors.


Cheese, for its high percentage of proteins, calcium and vitamins is recommended in most diets.


Ideally, a cheese should never be served cold, as the low temperature hides the natural aromas and flavors in cheeses.


Cheese and fruit make the best desserts, thanks to their nutritional potential and great taste when combined.

Flavors and Textures


The way a cheese is cut depends on its shape and texture.


The best way to taste cheese is through taste, smell, touch and sight.


The texture of a cheese tells us about its taste. Soft cheeses are usually fresh and do not have strong flavors while hard cheeses are usually salty and have intense flavors.

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Fill yourself with the good

Panela Cheese is one of the most consumed fresh cheeses in the country and one of the favorites of those looking for low-calorie diets.


Milk and cheese proteins have a high biological value and contain many essential amino acids. The responsible and moderate consumption of cheese.

Benefits of the Cheese

The responsible and moderate consumption of cheese, combined with adequate physical activity is compatible with different types of diet.