

Don Alberto's philosophy of quality was based on the fact that the cheeses would be made with 100% pasteurized whole cow's milk. This philosophy is still in force and has become an important distinction since it translates into cheeses of excellent quality and unmatched flavor.

The location of Quesos Navarro, in Los Altos of Jalisco, a traditional milk region, has made easier the use of our main supply, local fresh milk. We aim to maintain these long-term relationships and we understand that the only way to do it is through fair trade and adding value to each of the links that are part of our chain.

More than 50 years in the business, millions of liters of processed milk and tons of processed cheese could sum up the history of the company. The entrepreneurial vision of Don Alberto Navarro Cruz, his determination and dedication to enter the dairy world gave birth to Quesos Navarro, a family business that since the 60's has been devoted to proudly produce dairy products of the highest quality.

It all began with Kraft Foods’ interest in developing in Mexico a national Cheddar Cheese supplier. At this time Don Alberto Navarro Cruz had visualized the company as a milk bottler, which did not come to fruition because the facilities were adapted to become a cheese factory, thereby initiating the production of cheese under the concept of a maquila. Years later, in 1961, the Navarro brand was born.


The year 2002 marks the starting point of our diversification, up to that point, Quesos Navarro had been a single-product company. All our cheeses have always been developed under these principles:

  • 100% Natural cheeses without preservatives, colorants or artificial flavors.
  • Made with 100% pasteurized whole cow's milk.

Mastering the manufacturing technique through training and experience. The technology only makes the work easier and guarantees the quality, the credit for making good cheeses goes to the main cheese maker and his team.

From its birth to the present day, Quesos Navarro has been devoted to improving the products it produces, quality and taste have been and will be our foundations. The innovations that are made, both in the product and in the processes, do not compromise the tradition of making good cheeses but rather ensure their quality. An example of this is that all our products are packaged under high vacuum.


Working together with our suppliers has made possible the development of products and applications where we have been "Pilot Plants". As an example, in 2009 we received the award for Stellar Packaging granted by the Asociación Mexicana de Envase y Embalaje AC. The reason: We were the first national company that, together with our supplier Sealed Air, implemented the Abre Facil barrier bag for Cheddar Cheese in its 1kg and 500g presentations. This container was used until 2010.

In 2008, new facilities were opened. This second plant has state-of-the-art technology focused on the efficient manufacture of cheese. Although the cheeses are made with technology, we do not manufacture industrialized cheeses. In addition to having better facilities, this plant has been designed to have a low environmental impact, joining the efforts to preserve the environment and using resources in a responsible manner.


In 2010 we were proud to be the First Cheese made in Mexico to receive 3rd place in the category of Hispanic and Portuguese Cheeses awarded by the American Cheese Society. This competition began in 1985 and takes place once a year in different locations in the United States and Canada. For 2010 about 1,500 cheeses competed in 22 categories, year after year more competitors are added.

In 2011 we celebrated our 50th Anniversary. Quesos Navarro renews its image, proudly showing its origin, its age and its primary reason for existing, the heritage and the pleasure of being cheesemakers.

One more achievement happened in 2014, when we were the first cheese company that obtained the certification by COFOCALEC, thanks to the fact that our Adobera, Panela and Cheddar cheeses are made from 100% fresh cow's milk.

In 2016, we did it again by adding our Cheddar Añejo Cheese. Our certifications were achieved under the standard NMX-F-713-COFOCALEC-2014

At the moment, we have four product lines:

Award winning taste.

Over the years, we have been honored with several world-class awards from various cheese competitions and expert associations in the field, such as the ACS Judging and Competition, the World Championship Cheese Contest and the World Cheese Awards, where thousands of cheeses compete in various categories to take home a medal. To date, Cheeses NAVARRO has won 10 awards, proving that the craft of making quality cheese, has great results.


Our Certifications