hand TIP

To maintain the flavor of the cheese, it is advisable to store it in the vegetable compartment of the refrigeration, wrapped in its original package, in a resealable bag or with film paper.

Adobera Cheese with Jamaica Ate and Green Tomato Marmalade

sombrero Muy fácil reloj 10 min personas 4


250 grams of Adobera Cheese

200 grams of Jamaica ate

3 tablespoons of agave honey

2 tablespoons of mint leaves

3 tablespoons of dried cranberries

2 cups of green tomatoes

1 serrano pepper

1/2 cup of refined sugar

10 grams of butter

1 teaspoon of white vinegar

2 tablespoons of  water

Toasted bread 



1. Wash and rinse the green tomatoes thoroughly.

2. Finely chop the green tomatoes.

3. Put the butter in a frying pan. Add the chopped green tomatoes, then the sugar and vinegar to avoid caramelization, mix. Gradually add the water, being careful of obtaining a light consistency.

4. Remove from heat and set aside.


5. Slice the Adobera Cheese and the Jamaica ate so that they are of the same size and thickness, about 0.5 cm wide.

6. Arrange in the center of the plate, alternating a slice of Adobera Cheese and a slice of Jamaica. Cover with agave honey and decorate with mint leaves and dried blueberries.

7. Serve on the side tomato marmalade and a slice of toasted bread.