hand TIP

It is recommended to use a knife for each cheese in order to avoid mixing flavors.

Sweet Potato Puree

sombrero Fácil reloj 20 min personas 6


1 cup of Manchego Cheese

1 kg of yellow sweet potato

1 medium beet

2 tablespoons of chopped bacon

2 tablespoons of butter

1/2 cup of whipping cream

12 mint leaves

3 tablespoons of peas

2 tablespoons of blueberries

1 teaspoon of rosemary

Salt and pepper to taste 


1. Wash the sweet potatoes very well, gently carving the surface while being careful of not removing the skin.

2. Preheat the oven to 180ºC.

3. Cook the sweet potatoes in water for approximately 30 minutes or until they are soft inside.

4. Once the sweet potatoes are cooked, take them out of the water and place them in a tray or a baking refractory. Bake them until they can be pierced with a knife. Take them out of the oven and wait for them to cool down to remove the skin. When all the skin has been removed, mash until obtaining a puree. If necessary, pass through a colander.

5. Finely chop the rosemary and remove the leaves from the mint. Set aside separately. 

6. Cook the peas until they are soft in a saucepan with enough water

7. Peel the beet and cut it into small cubes. Cook in water for 8 minutes, distil and let it cool. Set aside.

8. Grate the Manchego cheese. Separately set aside two tablespoons of Manchego cheese. 

9. Heat a frying pan and add the butter. Add chopped bacon and cook until it is golden brown. Add chopped rosemary, mix and lower the heat. Add the sweet potato puree and mix well. Add the Manchego cheese little by little and stir until it is well blended. Add the cream little by little and stir until it is completely blended. Arrange in a refractory and add on top the Manchego Cheese that was set aside.

10. Bake until it is au gratin, remove from oven and decorate.