hand TIP

It is suggested not to store the cheese with other strong-smelling foods, to prevent it from absorbing other aromas and losing quality.

Grilled potatoes

sombrero Medio reloj 30 min personas 6


6 slices American Cheese

100 grams Manchego Cheese

100 grams Cheddar Cheese

6 medium potatoes

8 slices of bacon

12 spring onions

3 tablespoons butter

6 tablespoons sour cream

2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce 

2 tablespoons olive oil

Sea salt and pepper to taste

Aluminum foil


1. Wash the potatoes. Unpeeled, spread oil and butter on the outside. Set aside.

2.Grate Manchego Cheese and Cheddar Cheese, mix both and set aside. Mince bacon and fry a little in a pan until golden brown. Chop American Cheese in small squares. Set aside everything separately.

3. Season onions with salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and a little butter.

4.Cut the aluminum foil to 15 cm long. Put the potato in the center of the aluminum foil and add a little salt. Add marinated onions to the side and wrap well, closing like a bag.

5. Put on the grill where the lowest ember is. Cook for about 30 minutes or until the potato is soft, check with a knife.

6. Once potatoes are soft, open aluminum bag, and add grated Cheddar and Manchego cheese. Close bag and let it melt with the heat of the potatoes.

7. Mix bacon with the sour cream and the American Cheese.

8. Serve potato with prepared sour cream on top.