hand TIP

Cheese, for its high percentage of proteins, calcium and vitamins is recommended in most diets.

Mini Chilorio Quiche

sombrero Medio reloj 30 min personas 6


1 cup wheat flour

1/2 cup potato starch

4 tablespoon butter (butter at 25ºC, malleable but fresh)

2 tablespoon salt

2 eggs 

80 grams NAVARRO® crumbled Sharp Cheddar Cheese 

120 grams of NAVARRO® crumbled Aged Cotija Cheese 

300 grams of chilorio

150 ml of whipped cream

2 eggs 

1 can of red sweet pepper



1. Mix the flour, potato starch, salt and butter. Add the eggs one by one and continue mixing without whipping. Refrigerate for 2 hours.


2. Mince sweet pepper, set aside.

3. Mix cream with NAVARRO® Sharp Cheddar Cheese, NAVARRO® Aged Cotija Cheese and eggs, set aside.

4. Preheat oven to 180 ºC.

5. Baste and flour the desired molds. 

6. Take dough out of the refrigerator and spread it with a rolling pin until 1.5cm thick. Cover the molds with the dough, put a layer of cream and cheese mixture, a little chilorio and peppers, finish with another layer of cheese mixture.

7. Bake about 25 minutes or until filling is cooked. 

8. Serve hot and garnish with salad if desired.