hand TIP

Ideally, a cheese should never be served cold, as the low temperature hides the natural aromas and flavors in cheeses.

Pork Rind Lasagna

sombrero Medio reloj 30 min personas 6


250 grams of Adobera Cheese

200 grams of pork rinds

100 grams of pork loin

1 box of pasta for lasagna

1/2 cup of white onion

2 cloves of garlic

3 roma tomatoes

3 tablespoons of tomato paste

1 teaspoon of fresh thyme

4 tablespoons of  fresh parsley

5 tablespoons of fresh basil

2 cups of chicken broth

3 tablespoons of olive oil

1/2 cup of liquid cream

2 cups of ice

Fine salt to taste

Ground black pepper to taste 


1. Wash and rinse the vegetables and leaves.

2. Preheat oven to 200ºC.

3. Grate the Adobera cheese. Set aside in refrigeration.


4. Poach the tomatoes. Boil water over high heat in a saucepan, when it is boiling add tomatoes and leave them in the water for about 5 minutes. When the skin begins to detach remove immediately and put them in iced water. Remove the skin and seeds. Cut into quarters.

5. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Heat the oil in a frying pan, and once it is very hot, sauté the garlic and onion until it is translucent. Add tomato and sauté for 5 minutes. Add the thyme and tomato paste and cook. Add parsley, basil and chicken broth, cook for 20 min until it is reduced. Blend well and cook again. Season with salt and pepper.


6. Heat oil in a frying pan. Once it is very hot, sear the pork loin on all sides. Cook without drying and chop into small cubes. Set aside.

7. in the frying pan mix the chopped pork rinds with the chopped pork loin. Cook a little since it will go on the oven.


8. In a saucepan boil enough water with salt and oil. When it boils, add the pasta leaves and cook al dente. Distil and set aside. 


9. In a previously greased refractory, place the sauce followed by a layer of pasta, add the filling and the sauce and cover with grated Adobera Cheese and cream. Repeat the procedure 3 or 4 times, finishing with a layer of pasta.

10. Completely cover the last layer of pasta with sauce and Adobera Cheese.

11. Bake for 45 min. Serve hot.