hand TIP

Cheese and fruit make the best desserts, thanks to their nutritional potential and great taste when combined.

Lasagna with meat

sombrero Medio reloj 30 min personas 6


200 grams Cheddar Cheese

100 grams Manchego Cheese

750 grams ground beef

500 grams pasta for lasagna

1 jar (985gr) of pomodoro sauce

1 jar (259gr) of tomato puree

1 celery

3 carrots

3 garlic cloves

1 small onion 

1 cup chicken broth

3 tablespoons butter

Salt and pepper to taste

Vegetable oil to taste


1. Finely chop onion, garlic cloves, carrots and celery. Set aside separately.

2. In a pot, boil enough water to cook the pasta. Add salt and cook the pasta for the time indicated on the package. Dry and set aside.

3. Preheat oven to 180ºC

4. Finely grate Manchego Cheese and Cheddar Cheese. Mix and set aside.

5. Heat oil in a large pan. Once hot, add onion and cook a little. Add carrot and celery, mix well with a spoon. Add chopped garlic and sauté until vegetables have a soft consistency. Add butter and mix.

6. Add ground meat to the vegetable mixture. Mix well all the ingredients. Add the tomato puree and season with salt and pepper. Leave fire until the meat is cooked. Once cooked, remove from heat and set aside.

7. Heat pomodoro sauce aside. Lighten its consistency by adding a little chicken broth.

8. In a pan, add a little pomodoro sauce to the bottom. Place, covering the entire bottom of the pan, a layer of lasagna pasta, followed by a layer of meat filling. Repeat until the mold is filled. To finish, place a layer of pasta and coat with pomodoro sauce.

9. Finish with the cheese mixture completely covering. Cover with foil and bake for about 45 minutes.

10. Remove foil and bake until au gratin.

11. Serve hot.