hand TIP

The texture of a cheese tells us about its taste. Soft cheeses are usually fresh and do not have strong flavors while hard cheeses are usually salty and have intense flavors.

Apple Crust

sombrero Medio reloj 30 min personas 8


125 grams of Cheddar Cheese

1/2 kg of puff pastry

4 apples

3 tablespoons of flour

1 egg

3 tablespoons of sugar

15 grams of butter

1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon of vanilla

1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream 


1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC. Grease a mold of 30 cm in diameter.

2. Flour the surface and the roller to be used. Spread half of the puff pastry in the baking pan. Place it in the baking pan and let it rest for approximately 20 minutes.

3. Peel the apples and cut them into segments. Set aside in a little water and lemon juice, this is to prevent them from staining.

4. In a frying pan, put the butter and the sugar to melt, it must be shaken constantly to avoid sticking. Add the apples until they are soft. Once they are a little cooked, add the vanilla and sprinkle the cinnamon, mix and remove from the heat. Set aside.

5. Arrange the apples evenly over the puff pastry. Once the apples are ready, cover with thin slices of Cheddar Cheese until they are completely covered. Flour the surface and the roller again to spread the other half of the puff pastry.

6. Bake for 20 minutes or until the puff pastry is golden brown.

7. It can be served hot or cold, accompanied by vanilla ice cream.