hand TIP

The best way to taste cheese is through taste, smell, touch and sight.

Rio?s skewers

sombrero Medio reloj 30 min personas 4


200 grams. Panela Cheese

2 plantains

16 small clean shrimps

1/2 cup breadcrumbs or panko

2 eggs

2 cups kitchen oil

16 skewer sticks

Salt to taste

5 slices American Cheese

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup coconut cream

3 tablespoons cilantro



1. Finely chop cilantro. Set aside.

2.Chop American Cheese in medium squares. Set aside.

3. Heat the milk and coconut cream over low heat. Add the American cheese moving constantly until it dissolves. Remove from heat and let it cool and thicken a little. Once cold, add chopped cilantro.


4.Cut the Panela Cheese in 2 cm cubes. Set aside.

5.Add beaten eggs in a bowl and in another, the bread crumbs or panko. Dip Panela Cheese cubes in egg and then in bread crumbs.

6.Cut plantains into slices 1.5 cm wide, set aside.

7. Season the shrimp, set aside.

8. Wet skewer sticks. Insert a slice of banana, then a cube of breaded Panela Cheese and finally a shrimp. Repeat this operation until finishing the skewer.

9.Heat oil in pan. Place skewers to brown a little. Remove and put on absorbent paper to remove excess grease.

10. Serve with the coconut American Cheese sauce.