hand TIP

Cheese, for its high percentage of proteins, calcium and vitamins is recommended in most diets.

Crunchy sticks with lemon

sombrero Fácil reloj 20 min personas 4


300 grams of Panela Cheese

1 cup of flour

2 eggs

2 cups of biscuit powder

Vegetable oil to taste

Confectioner´s sugar to taste

4 yellow lemons

2 tablespoons of refined sugar

1/2 cup of liquid cream

50 grams of Butter

3 strawberries

8 raspberries

8 blackberries


1. Squeeze the lemons and strain the juice to remove seeds and impurities.

2. In a frying pan over low heat, put the lemon juice and refined sugar. Mix well and allow it to reduce to a syrupy consistency. Add the liquid cream and mix. Add the butter little by little, mix well. Remove from heat and let cool. Set aside.

3. Cut the Panela Cheese in the shape of sticks trying to make them the same size. Set aside.

4. Grind the biscuit in the blender until obtaining a powder.

5. Dry the Panela Cheese sticks with a paper towel. In a deep plate serve the flour, in another the beaten egg and in another the crushed biscuit. Pass the Panela Cheese sticks first through the flour, then through the beaten egg and finally through the biscuit. Set aside in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

6. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Once it is very hot, carefully insert the Panela Cheese sticks. Brown a little on all sides, remove and place on absorbent paper to remove excess fat.


7. Sprinkle with confectioner´s sugar  and accompany with a little lemon butter and fresh red fruits