
All the flavor

It would not be fair to suppress the dairy products of our life for the being intolerant, that's why we share some tips to control intolerance.

1. To define the degree of intolerance, it will always be useful to know the threshold at which foods with lactose can be consumed. This should preferably be with the help of a health professional.

2. When consuming dairy products, it is important that they are not ingested on an empty stomach. A slower digestion can help the enzyme lactase, scarce in the system of an intolerant, work more effectively.

3. You should select very well the foods that are consumed, for example, some dairy products such as yogurt, contain 20% less lactose than regular milk. Hard and ripening cheeses, by their natural process, eliminate almost all of it.

4. Regular consumption of prebiotic foods can also be helpful. These contain one billion crops, easy to digest and help the body have a greater tolerance to lactose.

5. Because lactose intolerance occurs very frequently, there is a wide range of dairy products that do not contain it. Therefore, it would be beneficial for health to replace regular foods with this kind of products, which have the same nutrients as regular dairy products.

6. Finally, there are different food supplements that can help improve the digestion of lactose, which are consumed before dairy. Ask your doctor about it.

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